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香港國際健康管理職業認證中心,以下简称为HKPC。是为社会培养实践能力的管理型技术人才为主要特色、以培训、考试、发证为一体的综合性项目。按照职业技术应用领域的不同,项目认证体系包含五大类共四十个模块(初级、中级)内容。参加培训并通过考核者,将获得由HKPC颁发的《职业技术初级/中级证书/高级证书》,该证书是作为反映技能水平的权威性职业资格证明,是对持证人的知识水平、专业技能的客观评价,是就业和职业评聘领域相应职业能力的最有力的证明。HKPC职业资格证书简介 HKPC全国职业资格考试认证中心,核定的范围是:美容职业技能鉴定。 HKPC是国内目前最权威的美容职业资格认证机构,其合法性和权威性,是目前国内所有协会、学会、联合会所不具备的。在与国际职业资格认证接轨的过程中,HKPC率先获得了政府的强力支持。 HKPC职业资格证书,既是政府部门认可的社会认证,又是与国际认证接轨的必然产物。为避免与劳动保障部门下属职业技能鉴定中心发生业务冲突,HKPC只对美容部分新职业和职场上的热门职位进行鉴定,对劳动保障部门传统的大量技工技师职业资格不予鉴定。
Hong Kong international cosmetic beauty professional certification center, hereinafter referred to as the HKPC. Is the cultivation of practical ability of management and technical personnel for the society as its main features, training, examination, the release of an integrated project. According to different, professional technology application in the field of project certification system includes five categories, a total of 40 module (primary, intermediate) content. To attend training and through assessed, will be issued by HKPC of the vocational certificate of junior/intermediate/advanced certificate, the certificate is reflects the skill level as the authoritative professional qualification, is the holder of objective evaluation of the level of knowledge, professional skills, employment and professional appraisal domain corresponding professional ability of the most powerful proof. HKPC introduction of professional qualification certificate HKPC national vocational qualification certification center, verification of the scope is: beauty professional skill appraisal. HKPC is currently the most authoritative domestic beauty professional qualification certification body, its legitimacy and authority, is the present domestic all association, the association of society, does not have. In line with international professional qualification certification process, HKPC has won the strong support of the government. HKPC professional qualification certificate, certification is approved by the government department society, integrate with the international certification, is inevitable outcome. To avoid with labor and social security departments subordinate professional skill appraisal center business conflict, HKPC to hairdressing only part of the new professional identification and hot positions on the workplace, traditional to labor safeguard branch is a large number of skilled technicians professional qualification will not be identified.